Bubble Wrap Flowers

We’re really excited for spring to come and the boys are loving the springy crafts we’ve been doing!  We recently received a few packages with bubble wrap in them, and I’ve been dying to do a bubble wrap craft!  So, bubble wrap flowers it was!

bubble wrap flowers

I started off by making some flower petal stamps.  I cut the petal shape out of the box and bubble wrap. 
bubble wrap flowers

I glued the bubble wrap to the cardboard box, and then I glued a bottle cap to the back (to act as a handle)
bubble wrap flowers

After the stamps had dried, we got ready to use them!  The boys wanted pink and purple flowers, so I set them up with a plate of paint and their stamps.  We decided to use legal size paper to have nice long flowers.
bubble wrap flowers

Add the paint…
bubble wrap flowers

And stamp!!  We stamped in a circle to make the flower.  After we had a flower we used a round sponge in some yellow paint to make the center.
bubble wrap flowers

And added stems using green paint.  We made leaves with our thumbs!
bubble wrap flowers

Baloo’s masterpiece!  He used the yellow sponge to make a sun too.
bubble wrap flowers

Royal wasn’t as interested in making a typical flower, but he sure did have fun!
bubble wrap flowers

Even Logi-Bear got in on the action!
bubble wrap flowers


We ended up with some lovely and bright flowers for our wall!
bubble wrap flowers


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  1. Bubble wrap is one of my favorite painting mediums for kids! I LOVE how you transformed the bubble wrap into a stamp and the use of the bottle cap is just plain brilliant! 🙂 

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