Simple I Know My Multiplication Fact Booklets
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Simple I Know My Multiplication Fact Booklets

Multiplication facts are not the most fun in terms of things to practice and learn. Well, at least that’s what many kids think. As a kid, I was the one who put forth all her effort and energy to learn my multiplication facts I thought it was fun. And if I’m being honest – I…

Coloring with Emotion – Art for Kids
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Coloring with Emotion – Art for Kids

I find it vital to introduce kids to art and famous artists at a young age. Not all kids will love art or enjoy learning about art history. But exposure is key. As parents and teachers, we can provide engaging activities centered around an art theme to introduce art and different art styles to our…

How to Teach Cursive to Your Kids – a Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Teach Cursive to Your Kids – a Step-by-Step Guide

Cursive is a funny subject these days. Most of us adults grew up learning cursive in about 3rd grade. Many kids these days aren’t getting cursive instruction at all. And some adults are very salty about that. As it turns out, there are some legitimate benefits to learning cursive. So those of us wanting to…

Smiley Face Mystery Coordinate Grid Printable Math Fun
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Smiley Face Mystery Coordinate Grid Printable Math Fun

Graphs are an important part of math and a great way to visually show information. However, it’s not always easy to learn how to use a graph or a grid. And it’s not always fun to practice that knowledge. This is why I’ve created these coordinate grid mystery pictures which are a super fun way…

Chemistry Books You Absolutely Need
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Chemistry Books You Absolutely Need

We are a book family so you know I had to include a list of great chemistry books that you should probably own. Or at least have on hand for an excellent homeschool chemistry unit study. I wouldn’t necessarily buy all of these books – that would depend on how much your child is interested….

Make a Spectrometer for Chemistry
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Make a Spectrometer for Chemistry

Imagine a world in which fire, air, water, and earth were considered ‘the elements’. A world in which we didn’t know about oxygen or the role it plays. When people scoffed at the idea of atoms or tiny things you couldn’t see. Sounds much different than what we know and see today, right? But this…

Ultimate Guide to Effective Multiplication Fact Practice
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Ultimate Guide to Effective Multiplication Fact Practice

Does anyone else have a love-hate relationship with multiplication fact practice? I was always the math kid in school. Math tended to come easily for me. I still remember the multiplication charts and adding stickers for each multiplication fact you memorized. I rocked that. My kids didn’t. I’m not going to lie – I was…

Wizards Dueling – a Harry Potter Game
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Wizards Dueling – a Harry Potter Game

Last year I had the joy of teaching a Harry Potter class at our homeschool co-op. It was so much fun to delve into the world of Harry Potter every week and share it with some young Potterheads. One of the favorite activities was the Harry Potter style Wizard’s Dueling Game that we invented. How…

8 Ways to Make History Exciting Again
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8 Ways to Make History Exciting Again

I don’t think teaching history to young kids is necessary nor do I think it should take precedence over other subjects. In fact, I did an entire post on why history isn’t important. But I do think we should take time where we can to get kids interested in history. Interest in history is much…

Early Humans Unit Study for Secular History
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Early Humans Unit Study for Secular History

When you hear ‘early humans’ what do you picture? Cavemen? Uncivilized people? Or do you picture our ancestors who figured out how to tame fire, traveled across the world, made stone tools, created art, and so much more? The goal of this unit study is to help our kids see the latter. Early humans weren’t…

Harry Potter Transfiguration Class with Coloring Changing Mugs
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Harry Potter Transfiguration Class with Coloring Changing Mugs

No Harry Potter class would be complete without transfiguration, right?   Let’s not kid ourselves though. It’s hard for muggles to really learn transfiguration. No matter how many times I try to turn beetles into buttons, I still have just beetles. It’s not like potions where you can make a love potion for everyone! Or…