The Difference Between a Confident Homeschooler and an Uncertain One

The Difference Between a Confident Homeschooler and an Uncertain One

What’s the difference between a confident homeschooler and someone who isn’t? I absolutely do not want to call anyone out here but I’m guessing we all know where we fall on the homeschooling/teaching confidence scale. And I want to start off by assuring everyone that there is nothing wrong with not being confident in your…

The Truth About Twaddle and How to Get Your Kids Reading
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The Truth About Twaddle and How to Get Your Kids Reading

I think most people would agree that reading is important for kids. But actually getting kids to read and to enjoy reading is a completely different matter. Perhaps knowing the importance of reading will motivate you to figure out the exact tricks to get your child to love reading. One of my favorites tricks is…

Secular Science Homeschool Curriculum List for Elementary
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Secular Science Homeschool Curriculum List for Elementary

Secular science curriculum is one of the most sought-after items in the secular homeschool community. Finding quality resources that cover everything we want, in a manner that we understand, and in a style we desire is like searching for a rainbow unicorn. What makes a science curriculum secular? It’s interesting to me that there is not…

Unicorn Arty Planner – Homeschool Planners for Creative Planning

Unicorn Arty Planner – Homeschool Planners for Creative Planning

It’s that time of year – back to school planning time. Who am I kidding, it’s always school planning time if you enjoy planning. Am I the only one who enjoys laying out extensive plans and then doesn’t feel like putting them into action? I hope I am alone in that, but I feel like…

Secular Homeschool Curriculum List for Language Arts

Secular Homeschool Curriculum List for Language Arts

I feel like I’ve spent years ferreting out the best homeschooling curricula and the quest is never-ending. The search for great curriculum that is 100% secular in nature is a hard one for sure. And some subjects, like language arts, are especially difficult. Many religious curricula use religious stories or parables in reading assignments or…