Make Shapes with Roads: Learning Through Play
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Make Shapes with Roads: Learning Through Play

In the realm of imaginative play, there’s something captivating about the endless possibilities of constructing roads and cities. Children and adults alike can embark on thrilling adventures while designing their miniature worlds.  To add an exciting twist to this experience, we present a delightful printable resource—a collection of shape templates using road pieces. Let your…

LEGO Writing Prompt – Write a Mystery Minfig Story
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LEGO Writing Prompt – Write a Mystery Minfig Story

When it comes to LEGO in our house, it’s king. Although I’m not sure who enjoys LEGO more, myself or my kids. I love adding LEGO activities to learning. They’re so much fun and my kids are already engaged when LEGO is involved. If you’re looking for even more ways to add LEGO to your…

2nd Grade Cursive Writing Worksheets
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2nd Grade Cursive Writing Worksheets

Cursive writing. I have to admit – my kids are not thrilled with having to learn ANOTHER form of writing. They already dislike print writing enough. But there are far too many benefits to cursive for me to pass up teaching them. Plus, they can already write – the switch to cursive is seriously simple….