Pokemon Movement Cards – Get the Wiggles Out
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Pokemon Movement Cards – Get the Wiggles Out

Some mornings I can tell we need to get a bit of The Wiggles out.  Incidentally, my kids no longer like they song (which is a bummer because I loved it).  So I needed a quick and easy way to get them moving a bit before we get started.  Of course, I remembered my construction…

Pokemon Grid Art for Writing Fine Motor Skills
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Pokemon Grid Art for Writing Fine Motor Skills

My kids hate writing.  I hear this from parents and teachers over and over and over.  My kids hate writing.  Typically people mean the physical act of writing, not the process of thinking of words to put on a paper.  And this activity handles the physical act without the process part.  My kids will dictate…

Multiplication Game inspired by Pokemon
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Multiplication Game inspired by Pokemon

Pokemon is awesome and multiplication facts stink, right?  That’s pretty much what Baloo thinks, but he’s 9… Well, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard of Pokemon Go.  We immediately jumped on and joined the game and we are having a blast.  Now, you guys know me, I will take advantage of any…