Free Christmas Rhyming Set for Beginning Readers
It’s been years since we’ve had a Christmas Tree up, but this year we are getting one. I’m pretty excited, but not nearly as much as the boys. Of course, they don’t know yet that it’s going to be an educational experience. Muah haha! I see no reason why we cannot incorporate an amazing tree into our learning experiences. Perhaps after seeing this adorable Christmas Rhyming Set, they will see my intentions!
This is part of Cassie of and my 12 Days of Christmas printables!! Last week we did math all week and this week is language arts! We have a lot of great pritnables coming up and of course, the best way to keep up to date is the newsletter. Plus, the newsletter peeps receive exclusive freebies nearly every single week! Don’t miss it!
Why Christmas Rhyming?
Rhyming is such an important step that should be mastered before learning to read, especially by the phonics method! Once a child can rhyme and sound out some short words, they can realize that they are spelled similarly! It’s like a cheat code in reading. Hat and rat are the same except for that first sound. Perhaps any word that ends with -at will be pronounced the same way! Of course, that isn’t universally true (just look at -ow words!) but for beginning reading, it’s a great start!
How to Use the Christmas Rhyming Set
The idea behind this printable is to provide 2-4 mats at a time with all the presents. The child can read the word on the present and figure out which word it rhymes with on the trees! Each tree has three rhyming presents to go with it!
All finished! The presents fit perfectly on the black and white presents on the mats to make a cute little Christmas rhyming scene!