Dig Into Reading: Underground Animals

I’m really excited to be joining in with this group of bloggers again in the Dig Into Reading series!  This month the theme is Underground Animals.  Make sure to visit the other blogs to see what Underground Animal fun they are having!

JDaniel4sMom | The Usual Mayhem | Growing Book by Book | Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails | Hands on Homeschooler

I have to admit that when the topic of Underground Animals came up, I wasn’t so sure which animals lived underground and which preferred places like caves.  I knew a few like rabbits and foxes, but had trouble naming more.  I asked the boys (who knew about as much as I did!) and then we sat down to research it.  Royal thought porcupines might live underground, and I guess they can but they don’t actually dig holes for themselves.  But rabbits, foxes, skunks, moles, ants, aardvark, meercats, worms, badgers, armadillos, and groundhogs all live underground (as do many more animals!)

We had just finished reading The Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl about a week ago, and the boys were thrilled with it.  They thought the clever Mr. Fox was hilarious and fun and immediately asked me to read it again (we read it in one sitting and it took quite awhile!)

I wanted to get the boys to draw what they thought an underground home would look like but they were busy playing with tangram pieces.  Imagine my surprise when they announced “Look, we made a fox!”


And then Baloo kept going.  He designed the underground home!

And then he started acting out the story a bit.  This is the fox digging frantically.


Royal got in on it too.  This is his version of the foxes going to steal the food.

We really enjoyed learning a bit more about underground animals!

These are the tangram pieces with have.  I love that they are magnetic.  We haven’t explored them a whole lot yet, but after this story telling experience today I’m sure we will be using them a lot more!



Do you have a post about Underground Animals that you’d like to share? Add this button to your post and link up!

JDaniel4's Mom


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