These Dentist themed packs are perfect for kids aged 2-8.
I have the packs separated by age groups, although your kids may be ready for something for a different group!  Use materials that are right for your kids despite the general age I attach to it!Included in the packs:Kinder-2nd Math:

Dice and Graphing, Add and Clip Cards, Subtract and Clip Cards, Sudoku, Dentist Word Problems, Fill in the missing Numbers, Count Backwards, How Many Ways can you Make 10?, What time is it?, Sort by Addition, Sort by Missing Addend, Missing Addend Flip Cards, Skip Counting by 10 Puzzle, How Many?, Number Line, Tooth Fractions, Even and Odd Sorting, Measuring, Count and Write the Numbers, Skip Counting by 5’s to 50, Color in the Pattern

Kinder-2nd Language Arts:
Read and Write the Room, Beginning Word Sounds, Word and Picture Matching, Word Search, Montessori Matching Cards, Fill in the ABCs, Write a Story, Word Family Matching, Following Directions.

Dental Unit:
Keeping my Teeth Healthy Reader
Keeping my Teeth Healthy Writing Prompt
Brushing and Flossing Chart


Download the Packs Here:

Kindergarten – 2nd Math Pack
Kindergarten – 2nd Language Arts Pack
ental Unit