Combat the Summer Slide with Printable Summer Camps
Cassie from 3 Dinosaurs and I wanted to make it super easy. We have spent years preparing summer programs to keep your kids actively retaining information all summer long!
Here’s a quick guide to help you sort through which program is right for you.
Jump In to Summer Learning
This 5 week programs covers Tot, Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade with 5 fun themes (Space, Ocean, Beach, Dinosaur, and Pioneer). Each age/grade level includes 4 printables per day meant to be completed in 5 days. Of course, you can go through it however you want! You don’t even have to go in order of our themes. They sets do not build on each other – they are independent.
The Tot level covers:
- Prewriting
- Alphabet
- Numbers
- Shapes
Preschool covers:
- Letters and Writing
- Shapes and Identification
- Sight Words
- Math
Kindergarten covers:
- Word Families
- Sight Words
- Math
- Extra Reading and Math
First Grade:
- Word Families
- Math
- Sight Words
- Extra Reading and Math
Click here to go directly to each theme:
Space Week
Ocean Week
Beach Week
Dinosaur Week
Pioneer Week
Build Up to Summer Learning
Our 2nd year of summer learning program follows a very similar pattern as to the first year! There are 5 weeks with 5 themes. But this year we expanded through 3rd grade! We have 5 completely new themes (Pirates, Pond, Robots, Farm, and Camping). And again, the levels do not build on each other. You can mix and match as you please (even with the different years!)
Covered in each level
- Prewriting
- Alphabet
- Numbers
- Shapes
- Writing the Alphabet
- Sight Words
- Shapes
- Math
- Sight Words
- Word Families
- Reading
- Math
First Grade:
- Sight Words
- Word Families
- Reading
- Math
Second Grade:
- Language Arts
- Math
- Sight Words
- Extras
Third Grade:
- Cursive Letters
- Reading
- Math
- Sight Words
You can skip right to each theme here:
Pirate Week
Pond Week
Robot Week
Farm Week
Camping Week
Swing In to Summer Learning
This is the third year of summer programs and follows a similar pattern to the last two years. Except it covers from tot through fourth grade! Again, 5 weeks and 5 new themes (this year was Zoo, Superheros, Explorer, Bugs, and Monsters). These themes can all be mixed and matched with the previous two years, although there may be duplicates when it comes to sight words. There are only so many sight words for each level!
What is included in each level:
- Prewriting
- Alphabet
- Numbers
- Shapes
- Writing Letters
- Sight Words
- Shapes
- Math
- Sight Words
- Word Families
- Reading
- Math
First Grade:
- Sight Words
- Word Families
- Math
- Reading
Second Grade:
- Language Arts
- Math
- Sight Words
- Extras (reading, math, and more)
Third Grade:
- Cursive Letters
- Writing
- Math
- Sight Words
Fourth Grade:
- Cursive Writing
- Math
- Reading (Comprehension and skills)
- Writing
Go straight to the themes here:
Zoo Week
Superhero Week
Explorer Week
Bug Week
Monster Week