Skip Counting Dot to Dot Easy Printables
Skip counting isn’t hard to learn but it can’t take a lot of time. It’s rote memorization which means just repeating it until it clicks.
I’m not usually a big fan of rote memorization but there are some skills that are just useful to have. And skip counting is one.
Skip Counting Dot to Dot Printables
I’ve made a selection of dot to dots for skip counting by 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s. Mermaid, fire truck, ice cream, dinosaur, robot, dolphin…there is an option for everyone!
The skip counting dot to dot pdf includes all of these in one simple download.
Why is Skip Counting Important?
I mentioned earlier than skip counting is important but didn’t really get into why.
Skip counting is most useful in two ways.
First, counting groups of objects. I think most of us probably count by twos, fives, and tens often. It’s just easier to count certain items in groups, especially money and time.
The second use is in multiplication. If kids can skip count they will have a much easier time figuring out multiplication fact.
For instance, if you don’t know 4×7 you could try skip counting by 4s. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 – 4×7 is 28. It’s not great for continuing use, but it’s definitely helpful in the ‘learning to multiply’ stage.
How to Use the Skip Counting Dot to Dot Worksheets
I mostly prefer to use these as extra practice and don’t add anything extra to them. In fact, I often just leave them out as optional and enticing work.
But sometimes, when I can tell we need more skip counting practice, I might ask them to complete one.
If I’m asking them to complete a page, I have them say the numbers out loud. It can be pretty obvious where the next dot is located so this way they aren’t just connecting dots without practicing their skip counting.
Skip Counting by 2s Dot to Dot
There are so many uses for skip counting by 2s. It’s a skill I still use regularly.
I think it’s the easiest place to start skip counting as well.
In the skip counting dot to dot set there are 2 pages for skip counting by 2s – ice cream and a fire truck.
Skip Counting by 3s Dot to Dot
I don’t find that skip counting by 3s is something that comes up often. However, it is useful for kids before they learn multiplication.
There are two pages in the dot to dot skip counting set for skip counting by 3s – a dinosaur and a robot.
Skip Counting by 5s Dot to Dot
Skip counting by 5s is my favorite because the pattern is pleasing to me.
It’s also really useful when working with time – especially when kids are learning to read analog clocks.
The skip counting dot to dot includes two pages for skip counting by 5s – a two headed dragon and a mermaid.
Skip Counting by 10s Dot to Dot
Skip counting by 10s is great for working on patterns and understanding place value. It’s also pretty easier since you’re still basically counting by 1s – just with a 0 at the end.
The dot to dot skip counting set includes two pages for skip counting by 5s – an airplane and a dolphin.
Download the Skip Count Dot to Dot Here