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Space ABC Writing Booklets for Handwriting Practice

Handwriting isn’t the most exciting task for most kids.  I know my kids have never taken to handwriting practice and it definitely wasn’t my favorite as a kid. But there were times that I was motivated to write – like when it was fun! I remember a lot of fun writing projects (and probably forgot all the not fun ones…)

Work on handwriting and ABCs with these fun space ABC writing booklets! Added bonus - there might be some new space vocabulary to learn!

Space Handwriting Booklets

I find that, sometimes, making a subject like handwriting more fun just involves adding a fun theme! For my space-loving kiddo, a space handwriting booklet is just the motivation he needs!

If your kid is struggling with writing then I have some great tips to improve handwriting for you right here.

How to Set Up the Space ABC Writing Booklets

I thought that 26 letters in one booklet was too much, so they are separated into rounded capital letters and straight capital letters. My thought was that straight letters are easier to write so they’re a good starting point. And it split the letters nearly in half making for 2 booklets.

Since they are split up, the order or the letters in the booklets doesn’t really matter. We just cut the full pages in half and put one half on the bottom. Then staple! No need to rearrange the pages into the “correct” order.

These are very similar to my dinosaur ABC writing set, except there is a different picture for each letter! Thankfully, space is a pretty big place so I was able to find a word starting with each letter. There may be some new vocabulary in these books for the young space geeks-to-be.

Work on handwriting and ABCs with these fun space ABC writing booklets! Added bonus - there might be some new space vocabulary to learn!

How to Use the Space ABC Writing Booklets

I just wanted to provide a fun writing outlet for Logi-Bear (6).  So my method of using these books involves handing them over and letting him do as he pleases. He needs some help reading the vocabulary but for the most part, it’s an independent activity.

There are 3 parts to each page. The top part features the correct way to write the letter. The 2nd line is intended for tracing the letter and then writing the letter on its own.

The last line includes boxes to help them form the letter in the correct size.

Work on handwriting and ABCs with these fun space ABC writing booklets! Added bonus - there might be some new space vocabulary to learn!

Work on handwriting and ABCs with these fun space ABC writing booklets! Added bonus - there might be some new space vocabulary to learn!

31 Days of ABC 2017 | Alldonemonkey.com

It’s time again for another fantastic month of alphabet fun with the 31 Days of ABC! All this month you can look forward to 31 more days of activities, crafts, books, apps, and more, all dedicated to teaching young children the alphabet.

I am so happy to be working with an amazing group of kid bloggers, who will be sharing their ideas with us in the coming days. So join us as we jump, skip, hop, and read our way through the alphabet this October!

Find more great resources in our series from past years: 31 Days of ABCs 2013, 2014, and 2016!

Don’t forget to follow our 31 Days of ABCs Pinterest board for even more great ABC ideas!

31 Days of ABC

Teaching the ABCs – October 1

All Done Monkey: Early Literacy – Getting Started Teaching the Alphabet

A – October 2

Creative World of Varya: A Is for Aromatherapy for Kids

B – October 3

Hispanic Mama: B Is For Bilingual Baby Books

C – October 4

Witty Hoots: C Is for Cool Fingerprint Castle Keyrings Tutorial

D – October 5

Teach Me Mommy: D Is for Dinosaurs DIY Sensory Bin

E – October 6

E Is for Environmental Print to Develop Literacy

F – October 7

Look! We’re Learning! F Is for Printable Farm Paper Bag Puppets

G – October 8

All Done Monkey: G Is for Go

H – October 9

All Done Monkey: H Is for Hello/Hola

I – October 10

Jeddah Mom: I Is for Ice Cream Craft and Sorting Activity

J – October 11

All Done Monkey: J is for Jirafa (Giraffe) – Spanish Coloring Page

K – October 12

Pennies of Time: K Is for Kindness

L – October 13

Schooling Active Monkeys: L Is for Lion Craft

M – October 14

Sugar, Spice & Glitter: M Is for Madeline Craft

N – October 15

All Done Monkey: N Is for Nature Crafts

O – October 16

Kitchen Counter Chronicles: O Is for Owl Bookmark Printable

P – October 17

Creative World of Varya: P Is for Phonological Awareness in Toddlers

Q – October 18

Discovering the World Through My Son’s Eyes: Q Is for Quito’s Middle of the World Monument Kids Craft

R – October 19

JDaniel4’sMom: R Is for Decorating Robots in Sensory Bags

S – October 20

Discovering the World Through My Son’s Eyes: S Is for Spanish Resources for Kids

T – October 21

Sand In My Toes: T Is for DIY Truck Puzzle

U – October 22

The Educators’ Spin On it: U Is for Unicorn

V – October 23

CrArty: V Is for Van Gogh

W – October 24

My Story Time Corner: W Is for Wheels on the Bus Story Study for Toddlers

X – October 25

In the Playroom: X Marks the Spot – Word and Letter Treasure Hunt

Y – October 26

Teach Me Mommy: Y Is for Yarn Lacing Matching Letters and Words

Z – October 27

Bambini Travel: Z Is for Zoo Animals Learning Activities for All Ages

123’s – October 28

Creative World of Varya: Montessori Inspired Printable

Prewriting – October 29

Witty Hoots

Books, Songs, & Apps – October 30

Witty Hoots: Top 5 List

Printables – October 31

Royal Baloo: Space ABC Writing

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