Fun and Simple Spring Easy Reader Printable Books
Easy readers are my kids favorite printable that I make. They’re so simple and easy to use – and I can usually incorporate something funny or something they already love.
They love these little books though so I’m always wanting to make more and more.
I knew I had to make some for spring and I’m so glad I did. These books are bright and colorful and just a lot of fun.

The Spring Easy Readers
I wanted to make a few different Spring Easy Reader books…mainly because I had a few ideas and I didn’t want to skip any of them! So, I present three completely different easy reader books!
These also cover different reading levels which is great. If you have two kids close in range, it can be nice to give them materials that are similar but cover both needs!
Add in this Free Printable Spring Memory Match Game for more spring learning!
Spring Easy Reader for Pre-Primer Sight Words
The first is a very simple “I see…” type book for preschool. It introduces some spring vocabulary using a very predictable format.
Each page starts with ‘I see’. Then kids can “read” the last word by matching it to the picture on the page.

Spring Easy Reader for Vowel Team ai
This easy reader covers words that use the vowel team ai. Every word features a different ai word (and some of them get a little bit silly).

Spring Easy Reader for Ending -ing
The last is an -ing book which features words that end in -ing. This is more of a kindergarten level book.
This easy reader includes multiple -ing words. I love include many similar words in an easy reader like this.
My kids always struggled with seeing that ‘spring’ and ‘king’ included the same ending. Working on words like this over and over in one book helps to show them that relationship.

The Spring Easy Readers Extras
Along with each book there are two matching worksheets meant to reinforce the words. The pages are simple and meant to be fun.
So if your kids enjoy dot markers or word searches, definitely check these out.

There is a page like this for each book. My kids enjoy word searches so I had to make sure each book had its own word search!
Get even more great Spring Printables here
If you’re doing a spring theme, there are plenty of spring printables for you!
Get your download here
Go Here to Download All of the Spring Easy Reader Books