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Star Wars Multiplication Printables for Hands on Math

Baloo is back in a Star War phase and has told me he would do extra multiplication work if it was Star Wars themed.  Naturally, I jumped on that opportunity!!  I knew a Star Wars Multiplication pack would get him invested in working on his multiplication skills!  Multiplication isn’t necessarily that difficult but practice multiplication facts can be a real drag.  Add a decent theme though, and they’re all set.

Incidentally, when you add a Star Wars theme for one child, you have to do stuff for the other kids too.  And that’s how you end up with Star Wars Addition Packs, Star Wars Kindergarten Packs, Star Wars 2nd Grade Packs, and so much more.  I don’t know if we will ever be done with this Star Wars phase, so I’m sure I’ll have even more to add to this list before long.

Check out this post on effective multiplication fact practice for even more multiplication help!

Star Wars Multiplication Pack - Practice multiplication with a fun and exciting star wars theme! Free printables to get them engaged with multiplication!

So in this multiplication pack is 10 pages of fun multiplication practice.  There is a 5 minute/100 problem practice test.  Baloo does these once or twice a week but the theme will be a nice improvement.  I can’t say timed practice tests are all that exciting.  So we don’t often do them at all.  But sometimes they are necessary to determine how well the facts are memorized.  Well, luckily having a bit of Star Wars theme helps quell the timed test boredom a little bit!

Star Wars Multiplication Pack - Practice multiplication with a fun and exciting star wars theme! Free printables to get them engaged with multiplication!

Star Wars Multiplication

My goal with these packs was to get Baloo to work on his multiplication skills without feeling like he was doing a ton of work. It can be a real challenge with him as he can spot hidden learning a mile away.

So some of the pages are chock full of multiplication and some are a little more bare. It’s just a matter of getting them to do any of it and enjoy themselves while working on multiplication.

Other pages in the Star Wars Multiplication Pack:

Multiplication Word Path
Graph the Product
Multiplication Fill In
Spin Multiplication
Multiplication Word Families
Color Multiplication

Multiplication work Problems
Compare the multiplication, Multiplication arrays.

and a big bonus, Multiplication Flash cards!!

Star Wars Multiplication Pack - Practice multiplication with a fun and exciting star wars theme! Free printables to get them engaged with multiplication!
Star Wars Multiplication Pack - Practice multiplication with a fun and exciting star wars theme! Free printables to get them engaged with multiplication!

I hope you enjoy the Star Wars Multiplication pack and all the other Star Wars printable googies we have!  More to come soon, no doubt.  Enjoy!

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