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Free Subtraction Practice – I Know My Subtraction

I can not believe I am teaching addition and subtraction to my 3rd (and last) child.  I still remember teaching Baloo how to add.  It’s not possible that so much time has passed, right?  Logi-Bear was probably not even born when we first started this journey in math!


Anyway, long long ago I made these fun Addition practice printables.  Jennifer asked (on Facebook) for a subtraction version a few days ago.  I knew it should be a pretty quick one to put together, so here it is!  A subtraction version.  I did pages for 10-20 and of course, they have the wonderful Kidlette clipart from Melonheadz.  My kids still hate coloring (as they did 2 years ago, so I read on my older post!  Ha!) so we probably won’t do a lot of coloring.  I love to color, so I might just color them in anyway.


This is just a very simple printable.  Each fact takes up one half page.  It’s not meant to be a booklet, per se, but it totally can be put into booklet form.  Just staple on the sides and voila, booklet.  My intention was more about taking a minute and practicing facts.  My kids don’t really love practicing math facts, so when I announce “We’re practicing math” they think it’s a bummer.  But when it’s just a minute, it’s not a big deal at all.

Go Here to Download the I Know My Subtraction Facts
Practice subtraction (the fun way) with these fun and free printables! One Minute Math!

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