By downloading any files on this blog ( you are agreeing to the terms of use. 

These printables are provided free of charge and are for personal use only.
You may:
Print as many copies as you'd like for personal use
Use them in a group or classroom setting
Share the link to my blog to other people who are interested in the pack
Post online about the pack giving proper credit back to
You may not:
Sell or distribute this file
Host this file on your own website or any other website (this includes facebook groups and forums)
Upload this file to a shared website (i.e., mediafire, dropbox)
Claim these files or sell them as your own
Link directly to the pdf file online
Print and sell them to others
I reserve the right to change these terms of use at any time.
When it doubt, please ask!  I do my best to respond to all emails within 24 hours.
erin at royalbaloo dot com