Tot school 8/22

Royal is 28 months

We’ve really spent the past few weeks just taking it easy and following Royal’s lead.  For the short time Baloo was in public school we had a blast together!  We took long nature walks every day, read books, played with games and just had a great time together.

Here is Royal taking a look at the stream that runs by our house.  Whenever we go for walks he always wants to go “look at the water”.

I wanted some new artwork for the kitchen so I had the boys paint on a canvas for me.  It turned out so cool (haven’t got pictures yet though)

And of course one painting wasn’t enough, so they continued making many more masterpieces.  Then Royal wanted to pour the paint into the jars.  I figured it was good motor skill work!

We are working on Volcanos and V is for Volcano this week (printables to come).  Here’s Royal dot painting the V’s on the volcano.

I helped him color these volcanos, and then he joined in with me and colored a few of them!

I got this idea from 1+1+1=1.  I set the markers up on the individual colors and told Royal which color to knock over.  I found it worked better if I set up just one at a time.  He really had a blast with this!

Royal and Baloo came up with this activity on their own…they were basically stringing grapes onto a straw!

That’s it from us this week!  For more great tot school ideas check out 1+1+1=1!

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