Turkey Thankfulness

We’re having some issues lately with the boys not respecting what they own and what other people own.  I figured November is the perfect time to talk about being thankful for what you have and respecting it!  Originally I was going to have Baloo make a Thankfulness book but the idea of the turkey crept in and I couldn’t resist!


I tried to let Baloo come up with a name but he wanted Winkly-Tinkly-Linky or something close to that.  So I chose Gabe.  He’s a goofy turkey and needed a goofy turkey name!!  Now we’re working on giving Gabe the Turkey a very large and very colorful set of feathers!


To make your own Gabe you’ll need 2 brown circles (one large, one small), 2 small white circles, and 2 smaller black circles, an orange triangle, and a red squiggly shape.

Glue them together and cut out a whole bunch of feathers!


We’re trying to add at least one feather a day.  I can’t wait to see Gabe taking over our wall!



What ways do you promote respect and thankfulness with your kids?

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