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Winter Number Line for Chilly Math Fun

It’s getting cold (or maybe it is where you are, here it’s just been getting pleasant).  And that means it’s time for winter fun.  Winter is still exciting at this point!  Not many people are sick and tired of the snow and cold.  It’s already time to start capitalizing on the excitement that comes with the change of the seasons!


Number lines are not boring when they're made with snowflakes! This winter number line printable is perfect for wintery math practice!

This week is all about WINTER!  7 days of winter printables from both Cassie and me!  Next Sunday I will send out a newsletter with links to every single one and more that we’ve put out in the past!  So if you’d like to get that e-mail (with an exclusive bonus winter printable), you should sign up here:

Number lines are not boring when they're made with snowflakes! This winter number line printable is perfect for wintery math practice!

Also, don’t miss the No Prep Winter math pack for first grade!

 How to Set Up the Winter Number Line

Laminator (or self adhesive sheets)
Dry Erase Markers
Yarn (or string)


I laminate all of my number lines because they work much better that way.  It needs to be stable to be able to move the pieces along the string.  So I highly recommend laminating.

To put it together simply hole punch once on both sides of the line.  I put mine a bit out so there is room for the pieces to sit on the side.

Slide the yarn through the hole and tape it down in the back.  Add one (or more) snowflakes to the yarn.  Then slide the yarn through the other hole and tape it down as well.  Make sure the yarn is taut.

Number lines are not boring when they're made with snowflakes! This winter number line printable is perfect for wintery math practice!


Then you’re good to go!  Just yell out a math fact and have them solve it!

Number lines are not boring when they're made with snowflakes! This winter number line printable is perfect for wintery math practice!


Winter Number Line for Skip Counting

Number lines are great to use while learning skip counting!  I added all 3 snowflakes to this one so we can practice skip counting.  Just place the snowflakes on the numbers and practice counting.  3, 6, 9.  Or 2, 4, 6.  It’s a great way to illustrate how skip counting works!

Number lines are not boring when they're made with snowflakes! This winter number line printable is perfect for wintery math practice!


Click here download the Winter Number Line!


Number lines are not boring when they're made with snowflakes! This winter number line printable is perfect for wintery math practice!

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