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Bringing Homeschool History to Life – Simple and Fun

Bring homeschool history to life with Dover Publications books on American Presidents, States, Government, Constitution, and more. Great info, great books.

We have many reasons for choosing to homeschool but one of the top is that we want learning to be fun.  Learning should be fun – nearly always!  It is exciting to learn.

But there are some topics that can be particularly dry.  Like “fall-asleep-sitting-up” dry.  (Yes American Government class, I’m looking at you).

I’ve found that my kids still love to learn about topics that seemed dry to me as a kid – bu we approach these topics is very different ways.  Like watching videos, reading historical fiction, or making it hands on.

Bring homeschool history to life with Dover Publications books on American Presidents, States, Government, Constitution, and more. Great info, great books.

(We received these books for this review.  All of the opinions in this post and mine (and my kids) ? )

These books on Presidents, American Government, History, and Geography are definitely a fun addition to our studies on the U.S.A.


  • Fun intro to government and presidents
  • Discount Code!
  • Giveaway


Bring homeschool history to life with Dover Publications books on American Presidents, States, Government, Constitution, and more. Great info, great books.

Bringing the Presidents to Life

My kids were most excited about the Standups Presidents.  While they were familiar with a few of the presidents, the Standups introduced them to quite a few they didn’t know.  And the best part is, they were excited to learn about them!

We started by making all the people at once.  They had a lot of questions like “Is he still alive?” and “Where are the girls?”.  The 8 presidents in the book prompted a lot of discussion.

Bring homeschool history to life with Dover Publications books on American Presidents, States, Government, Constitution, and more. Great info, great books.

Did you know that a giant cat attend the Gettysburg Address?  Me either…

Next step was a play.  Or should I say, just playing.  They had their presidents giving speeches and interacting with each other.  They wanted more information for their playing (for accuracy’s sake!) so we turned to the American Presidents Coloring Book and the Presidents Facts & Fun Activity Book.

Bring homeschool history to life with Dover Publications books on American Presidents, States, Government, Constitution, and more. Great info, great books.

The American Presidents coloring book is much more than coloring.  In fact, the best part isn’t even the coloring – it’s the information!  Each president has a full page with about 2 paragraphs worth of information towards the bottom.  And not just info like where they were born and when they died but great tidbits about the effect they had while in office.

Bring homeschool history to life with Dover Publications books on American Presidents, States, Government, Constitution, and more. Great info, great books.

The Activity book is great because it isn’t just coloring (which my kids aren’t really into these days) but it still contains information.  Again, there is a full page for each president.  And each page has a matching activity such as a maze, find the differences, what’s missing, find the hidden picture, etc.


American Government Intro for Elementary

With the political atmosphere the past 18 months, we’ve found it impossible to miss what’s happening.  As a result, my kids are much more aware of government and such than I ever was as a kid.  So we’ve been having a lot of discussions on how government works, checks and balances, the history of our country, and the history of our government.  This U.S.A. Constitution Activity Book is a great introduction to our constitution.

One question they asked was why it’s important to know about and understand the constitution.  It’s hard for them to understand how a document can protect.  Luckily the activity book makes it fun to learn more about the constitution.

Bring homeschool history to life with Dover Publications books on American Presidents, States, Government, Constitution, and more. Great info, great books.

Finally, we’ve been reviewing information about the states.  All in all, they enjoy learning about states they’ve lived in.  It’s a good thing we’ve lived in so many states (Baloo has lived in 5 states so far) but we are working on ways to get interested in other states too.


Dover Books Discount

Dover Books is offering a 25% discount on their website through June 30, 2017!

Just use the code WHBO at checkout.

Bring homeschool history to life with Dover Publications books on American Presidents, States, Government, Constitution, and more. Great info, great books.

Dover Books Giveaway
Dover Books is giving away a set of 8 great books:

  1. U.S.A. Constitution Activity Book
  2. Alexander Hamilton Coloring Book
  3. Discovering Washington, D.C. Activity Book: Awesome Activities About Our Nation’s Capital
  4. American Presidents Coloring Book
  5. Presidents Facts and Fun Activity Book
  6. United States Coloring Book
  7. Standups! Presidents: 8 Easy-to-Make Models!
  8. White House Cut & Assemble

Giveaway is opened to adults 18 and over in the USA and Canada only.

Dover Publications American History Books




Bring homeschool history to life with Dover Publications books on American Presidents, States, Government, Constitution, and more. Great info, great books.

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