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More Fun With Seasonal Erasers

I was so excited to see Cassie post about some activities she does with season erasers!  We had JUST purchased the same erasers and I love her ideas.  I’m going to add a few more ideas to her list that were fun for us!


For Logi-Bear I did a simple color sorting setup.  Green for Frankenstein, Orange for the pumpkins, and yellow for the candy corn.
Fun with Seasonal Erasers

He might have had a little help from his big brothers…
Fun with Seasonal Erasers

With Royal we worked on some beginning sounds.  Beginning sounds was always a rough spot for Baloo, but it’s not for Royal.  Funny how kids can be so different!  I helped him sound out the words the first time, but after that he had it down!
Fun with Seasonal Erasers

He liked doing Frankenstein the best.
Fun with Seasonal Erasers

Another for Royal – 1:1 correspondence!  He’s recognizing his numbers easier now, but getting him to count things out is more difficult.  I’m sure he CAN do it, he just doesn’t want to.
Fun with Seasonal Erasers
Fun with Seasonal Erasers

Baloo was a bit trickier, but I thought some simple Sudoku would be fun.  We only had 3 sets of erasers so I drew in some ghosts.
Fun with Seasonal ErasersFun with Seasonal Erasers

Baloo loved the Sudoku and we tried to come up with more ways to solve it.  He set up the puzzle for me a few times as well!

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