Space CVC Game for Out of This World Reading Fun
Learn to read in space! Or maybe just on Earth but pretending to be an astronaut. Learn to read with a fun space CVC game for short u words.
We had a reading breakthrough a few days ago. One of those moments where he couldn’t do it and then he could. Seriously, it was 5 seconds apart and everything changed. Do you ever feel so excited for your kids that you just start crying? This was one of those moments. Watching him work so hard and then succeed. I still get teary eyed thinking about it. I had to create something to keep promoting his accomplishment and the Space theme seemed perfect. So I had to make a space CVC Game!
Day 6 of the space week is here with a super fun space CVC game. I was so excited to get a learn to read game ready! And it’s perfect time for Logi-Bear!
Anyway, the space newsletter will be ready soon and it will have counting and addition mats! Make sure to sign up:
How to Set Up the Space CVC Game
This game requires a little bit of prep, but it really should only take a few minutes.
First, cut out all the game pieces. There are 4 player options. Just cut on the solid black line. Then curve the long pieces together and tape. This should made a round bottom and the pieces should stand up.
Next, cut out all the CVC word cards. This game is focused on short u words – like sun. I wanted to make it fairly repetitive so there are 8 different words with pictures.
Last, you’ll need to cut a small strip off the side of one of the game board pages. Printers do not usually print all the way to the edge so you’ll have a blank white spot. Just cut it off and line up the two pages. Tape them together and you’re ready to go!
How to Play the Space CVC Game
The premise of this game is fairly simple (although this part can totally be skipped as it’s just the backstory I invented to entertain myself). You are an astronaut and you need to fly your rocket from earth to Mars!
Everyone starts on the Earth side of the game board. On your turn, you’ll draw one card. Read the word. Then move your piece to the next space with the picture of your word on it.
Each word/picture is featured 6 times on the game board. So the fastest someone could make it through is 6 turns. I’d guess it’ll take a few more. Still, it’s designed for kids in the 4 to 5 range! I did not mean for it to be a long and drawn out game.
I prefer cooperation games (I’m just not big on competition, but that’s my thing. Others thrive on competition!). However, the idea is to be the first one to read Mars.