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Interactive Books for Homeschooling – Scanorama

I am a bibliophile to the core (that’s ‘book lover’ for those of us who like to appear fancy) and always expected that my kids would automatically be book lovers, too. I thought that would just be genetic. And while my kids do love books, it took time and effort to get us to that point. Time and effort and a great selection of amazing books. We always have our eye out for new books that will pique their interests. When we received , I knew it was going to be a hit. I actually hid the book away for a few days so I could take a few uninterrupted peeks at it.  These interactive books really grabbed their interest from the start.

Scanorama: Amazing Animals. Interactive Children's Books chock full of great information for homeschoolers!

This post is a review of Scanorama: Amazing Animals.  I was compensated for my time in reviewing the product and hosting the giveaway.  The opinions in this post are my own (and my kids).

The TLDR Version

  • Interactive and Engaging
  • Colorful and Eye-Catching
  • Informative
  • Durable
  • Inexpensive
  • Available at



Scanorama Interactive Books:  Eye Catching, Interactive, and Engaging

From the first moment I saw this book I knew it would be fought over, and often.  If the colorful pictures aren’t enough, the really neat scanner is.  First, is moves.  Anything moving in books is practically gold.  Even better, when you move it you get to ‘scan’ whatever you’re looking at.  Elephants, whales, turtles, and hyenas.  What’s really neat about the scanner is that underneath they have picked out bits and pieces and gone into detail.  The one on the elephant has facts about the trunk and tusks, for example.
Scanorama: Amazing Animals. Interactive Children's Books chock full of great information for homeschoolers!


Why I Love Scanorama Amazing Animals

I really just want to drop a quote from my kids to illustrate why I love these books.

We were reading another book about ocean animals today and my kids noticed a flounder.  Baloo said “The flounder can disappear by using camoflauge.  I saw it in that cool scanner book”.

Not only did Baloo call the book ‘cool’ (and this kid isn’t easily impressed) but he actually remembered a fact from the book and applied it in a different situation.  Situations like that always leave an impression on me.  Anything that results in retaining information is a hit in my book.

Scanorama: Amazing Animals. Interactive Children's Books chock full of great information for homeschoolers!


How We Utilize Scanorama

We have started using nonfiction books as jumping off points.  The boys all love nonfiction texts so it’s easy to get them interested in a topic.  I use books like these (books that grab their interest from the start) to get them questioning.  How does that work?  Why does it do that?  Can we look up more information?

This book is so chock full of information that we barely needed to consult other sources, but it was a really great starting point for learning more and more.  Even after reading through the facts we found some rabbit holes to dig into.

I’ve also found it’s a great book for Logi-Bear (5), who is my non-reader.  He loves looking at the pictures but there is still enough on the page that he is picking up information.  He might ask me how all the pictures on one page are related.  Or he noticed on the elephant page that the front feet look different than the back feet.  We enforce “daily” read-to-yourself time, so it’s great having an option for him that he finds interesting.



Book Options from Silver Dolphin Books

There are three books in the Scanorama series.  We have Amazing Animals and Dinosaurs is on our amazon wish list.  They also have one titled ‘Deadly Predators’.  Honestly, they all look amazing and really appeal to my boys.



Where to Buy Scanaroma Books

They are available on the Amazon and from




Win Your Own Scanorama Book

Ten winners will get their choice of Scanorama book. Shipped to USA or Canadian addresses only.

Scanorama: Amazing Animals. Interactive Books for children chock full of great information for homeschoolers!



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