Unicorn Arty Planner – Homeschool Planners for Creative Planning

Unicorn Arty Planner – Homeschool Planners for Creative Planning

It’s that time of year – back to school planning time. Who am I kidding, it’s always school planning time if you enjoy planning. Am I the only one who enjoys laying out extensive plans and then doesn’t feel like putting them into action? I hope I am alone in that, but I feel like…

Secular Homeschool Curriculum List for Language Arts

Secular Homeschool Curriculum List for Language Arts

I feel like I’ve spent years ferreting out the best homeschooling curricula and the quest is never-ending. The search for great curriculum that is 100% secular in nature is a hard one for sure. And some subjects, like language arts, are especially difficult. Many religious curricula use religious stories or parables in reading assignments or…

The Powerful Truth of Homeschooling with Chronic Illness

The Powerful Truth of Homeschooling with Chronic Illness

Last year I had the joy of adding hyperthyroidism/graves disease to my short list of chronic illnesses. I knew it was coming – I’ve had a questionable thyroid since I was 12 – but it was still a bit of a shock. And I totally denied the idea that it was a chronic illness. How…

Our Homeschool Room – Take a Tour of a Small Space

Our Homeschool Room – Take a Tour of a Small Space

We’ve probably all had that moment where you’re perusing Pinterest and drooling over the gorgeous homeschool rooms that some people have set up.  And while those rooms are amazing and I still oogle them from time to time, I don’t need that.  Our homeschool room is the dining room table that we never actually sit…

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How to Find the Right Secular Curriculum

Finding and Choosing the right secular homeschool curriculum is the most exciting and the most exhausting part of homeschooling. Sorry to say but finding great curriculum is even more tough when you’re a secular homeschooler. But it is possible to find curriculum, and we’re going to do a quick walk through as to just how…

Homeschool Space: Finding a Spot That Works for You

When I first pictured us homeschooling I had this idyllic view of three children sitting peacefully at their desks.  One would raise their hand and say “Mother dearest, what makes the world go round?”.  At this point we would all pour over books and the internet finding the answers. That’s never happened.  Not once.  Not…