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Learn ASL Online Camp for Kids

Learning a language, at any point in life, can develop brain pathways that make a significant difference throughout our lives. And don’t for one second believe the myth that it’s easier for kids to learn a new language – untrue! In fact, when using immersion programs adults and kids learn at the same speed (same isn’t true for accents, but I digress).

Anyway, the benefits extend to all languages – including sign language! And let’s face it, sign language is one of the most useful and most awesome languages one can learn. And I’m not just talking about the ability to speak silently and in secret. I’ve yet to meet a kid that hasn’t, at one point or another, thought sign language was just really cool.


What I didn’t know about sign language was that it doesn’t use the same grammatical rules as english, although this makes perfect sense upon further thought. ASL eliminates some of the superfluous words to make ASL a usable language. But this means that you cannot simply learn the signs and make sentences. We need to learn the grammar rules, too!

This is where Rochelle and her ASL camp come into play! Rochelle is the author at ASL Done Right (Sign Like a Boss)! Because if you’re going to learn sign language, you want to learn it like a boss! Rochelle isn’t just some person who looked up signs online. She’s been signed for over 23 years and has worked professionally as an ASL interpreter. Let’s just say, she knows her stuff.

But let’s talk about this ASL Camp for a minute.

Independent Work

First of all, it’s independent. Meaning, your kid can do it by themselves. Now, I love doing things like this with my kids, but let’s face it, sometimes we need them to do independent work so we can clean the house or pee in private.

Interesting Topics

Have you ever seen a foreign language course that the first lesson (for kids) is how to pay for groceries?  Yep, me too.  They don’t care.  The first lesson in this ASL Camp?  Animals.  Kids love animals.  Even kids that don’t love animals, love animals.

More than “Screen Time”

Yes, this course is online and utilizes videos.  However, it’s much more than that.  Not only will this course open your child to the world of the deaf community, but many of the activities promote being active and away from the screen.

Proper ASL Grammar

Most importantly of all, though, is that this course teaches an introduction to proper ASL technique and grammar.  If you’re going to learn a language, it’s best to learn it correctly!


What else do you need to know about this course?

It’s primarily done through videos (accessed through the website, not 3rd party locations which are subject to ads and such.  Your kids are safe here).

There are 4 weeks of classes with 8 activities each week.  The themes are:

Animal identification

Get Moving

Camp Out



The camp includes badges, a handbook, and extra practice videos for things like the alphabet and colors.

Sign up for the ASL Camp Here!


ASL Online Camp for Kids.  Learn real American Sign Language!  4 weeks of videos to teacher common signs and simple grammar.

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