Entertaining Dot Marker ABC Printables for Letter Ss
You know that moment when you’ve spent ages teaching something and your kid gets it? You can see it ‘click’ in their eyes? Possibly the best moments, ever. I absolutely love those moments and they’re one part of what makes homeschooling so worth it to me. (I’d be willing to bet that teachers know that feeling exactly!)
Logi-Bear had a ‘click’ moment when we were flying home from a vacation. He was looking at the seatbelt on the airplane and reading “llllliiiiffffftttteeeee” Lift-ee. I ignored the e. He just read his first word!!!
And yes, I totally took a picture. I stopped short of telling the entire plane…
Logi-Bear is the kid that doesn’t let on that he’s learning something until he’s mastered it. So we went from “oh wow, he knows his letters” to “wait, did you just sound out that word without help?” And I know that packs like this Ss pack got us there. We spent so much time talking about letters and letter sounds. In All About Reading prelevel it had him practice segmenting and blending. We had practiced and learned all the necessary things…he just needed time to feel confident enough to share.
Letter Ss Dot Marker Pages
Anyway, I digress. My goal with these alphabet worksheets lately is to come up with as many ways to use them as possible. We’ve done gems and dot markers…it’s time to come up with new materials! I noticed these yellow pegs and immediately knew they’d be perfect for the sun stuff! Sure enough, they were just the right size.
Naturally, we couldn’t finish the entire sun with just yellow pegs. Obviously this means we need to buy more pegs, right?
We have more ideas for tools to use with the dot marker pages so come back next week for letter Tt!
Download Letter Ss Here