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Swing In To Summer Learning Week 1! Zoo Theme

Swing In To Summer Learning: A Free 5 week summer learning program for kids from 2-10!


Ahhh it’s here!  It’s here!!  I am so incredibly excited about this year’s summer learning program. Most years at this point I’m like “Seriously, are we done yet?” (These programs take months and months of planning and working!  We start every year in Jan!).  But not this year.  This year I am totally jazzed.  Yes, I said jazzed.  This is easily our best year yet.  The pages are just amazing.  But enough of my rambling, let’s get to it.

As with other years, there are 20 pages a week for each level (based on contemporary grade levels).  The design is 4 pages a day, 5 days a week.  The pages roughly follow a pattern (such as kindergarten is 1 math, 1 sight word, 1 language arts, and 1 “other”).  So you shouldn’t be seeing two pages of math in one day.

Each week has it’s own theme, starting with zoo!!  Our themes do not repeat previous years.  Which means that if you want more than just 5 weeks, you actually have 15 full weeks of material between our three summer programs (Jump Into Summer Learning and Build Up Summer Learning are the previous years)

For the first time this year we have fourth grade material!  Cassie and I both have kids in 4th grade so we are adding a new level for them every year.  Let’s just say, concepts get much more complicated as they get older!  But creating 4th grade content was a really fun challenge.

To make it super easy, we have separated the downloads by day.  All you have to do is roll out of bed in the morning (or not if you have a wireless printer), print that day’s pages, and hand it over.


I know you’re excited to get to it, so check it out!

Download the Week 1: Zoo Summer Learning Printables

(Links to ALL the pritnables are there.  Some are hosted on my page and some on Cassies!  They are marked as such!)

Swing In To Summer! 5 week FREE Summer Learning Program for toddler, preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade

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