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Valentines Tearable Vocabulary Posters and Booklet

Vocabulary can be fun again with Valentines tearable vocabulary! Practice valentines vocabulary and add the words to a fun little booklet!
I was one of those kids who reveled in the idea of a “word of the day”.  I never read the dictionary (I did try, but about 5 words into ‘a’ and I realized that is not interesting at all) but learning has just always been my thing.  My kids, on the other hand, don’t give a hoot about learning new words.  Honestly, they’re probably a bit young for that kind of interest.  But I still want to try to introduce them to new words regularly and so I new I had to make it fun.

Vocabulary can be fun again with Valentines tearable vocabulary! Practice valentines vocabulary and add the words to a fun little booklet!

Valentines week is really almost over but there is still more.  Don’t miss anything by signing up for the newsletter!  I know you’re busy – that’s why I’ll send all the links straight to your inbox!


Vocabulary can be fun again with Valentines tearable vocabulary! Practice valentines vocabulary and add the words to a fun little booklet!

Tearable posters are fun.  We don’t often have the chance to grab a number (I don’t often have an interest in the posters) but a few weeks ago we got one.  And they begged me to take ALL of the strips.  I obviously didn’t, but the idea stuck with me.  I just needed a good excuse to make a tearable poster.  Suddenly the idea of vocab and tearable posters smashed into one and I knew we had to try it.

Vocabulary can be fun again with Valentines tearable vocabulary! Practice valentines vocabulary and add the words to a fun little booklet!

And you cannot have tearable vocabulary words without a journal, right?  I wanted something simple enough that I could have Logi-Bear (5) do but also that Baloo (10) could get some use out of.  So the journal has a place for a definition, a sentence, synonyms, antonyms, and a picture.  I don’t expect Logi-Bear to fill all of it in, obviously.  And I provided some simpler words especially for him.

Vocabulary can be fun again with Valentines tearable vocabulary! Practice valentines vocabulary and add the words to a fun little booklet!

Vocabulary can be fun again with Valentines tearable vocabulary! Practice valentines vocabulary and add the words to a fun little booklet!

How to Use the Valentines Tearable Vocabulary

Encourage them to pick a word and tear it off the sheet.  Glue or stable it to the booklet.  They can use a dictionary or the internet for help with the definition (but they should try to put it in their words and not just copy from the dictionary).

Using it in a sentence is probably the most important part.  It will show if they truly understand the meaning of the word or not.

Vocabulary can be fun again with Valentines tearable vocabulary! Practice valentines vocabulary and add the words to a fun little booklet!


Download the Valentines Day Tearable Vocabulary Pages Here


Vocabulary can be fun again with Valentines tearable vocabulary! Practice valentines vocabulary and add the words to a fun little booklet!

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