28 Days of Fine Motor Challenge–Week 2
I have a confession to make (and it’s never good when you’re confessing in a challenge post!). We did not do fine motor every day this week – not even half of the days actually. It’s been one of those weeks. You know, when the to-do list is a mile long, all 3 kids are sick, and the hours in the day seem to be cut short? Yeah, that kind of week. I know challenges aren’t supposed to be easy, but even this one was over my head this week! So I apologize for not being better prepared…having said that, we did have some Valentine’s Day fine motor fun!!
I bought a bag of candy hearts for the boys (they were begging!) and told them they we had to do some activities before eating them. I used quite a few sheets from the Valentine’s Day Pack from 3 Dinosaurs!
Because we manipulated the hearts for each of these activities, I consider it great fine motor practice!
Roll and Count
Instead of using the dice, we grabbed a handful of hearts out of the bag and graphed them.
Royal and Baloo ended up working on this together. They would take turns placing their hearts. In the end, purple won with 11 hearts!
We did heart patterns. I set out a few stacks of different colors…
Then I started them out with a few patterns.
Then they finished off the patterns!
I gave Baloo a bit of reading work. On this one you color the hearts based on what is written on them. Instead of coloring I had Baloo use the hearts.
I was a bit surprised that he did all of them!
And I gave Royal the dot marker hearts page with some dot stickers.
He actually really enjoyed using the stickers! He was determined to use every sticker on the sheets!
If you are participating in the challenge and blogging about it, please link up below!
If you’re participating but not blogging, let us know how your week went in the comments!
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