31 Days of Simple Sensory–week 1


We started off the week with a color hunt!  We’ve been working on colors with Logi-Bear (and it’s a good review for Royal too!)


Logi-Bear is starting to potty train so I wanted to show him the difference between wet and dry (an idea I got from 3 Dinosaurs!).  I set up our little tray with a wet and dry sponge, wet and dry newspaper, and wet and dry undies. 

He explored for a bit and we “talked” about which ones were wet, and which were dry.  I’m not sure that he got it any more after this activity, but he sure did enjoy it!


I set out some water and newspaper with a little bowl to see what wet newspaper concoctions we could come up with.  I’ll just say…wet newspaper is messy.


Royal loved this dish that we picked up at Target a few days ago (from the party section!).  We spent a long time using the sponges to soak up the water and squeeze it out in a different section.

And we might have cleaned up the table a bit too.


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