Water Play Wednesday – Water Balloon Races

Water balloons have become a quick favorite around here!  All the boys love to play with them.  I’m not as big a fan, if only because they take so long to fill up!  And then they are thrown so quickly!

I thought a game in which breaking the water balloons was not the objective would help it last longer.  We have a spoon/egg game which the boys adore so I thought a water balloon/shovel game would be great too!

I set up 4 buckets.  2 on one side of the lawn and 2 on the other side.  I had 2 of them full of water balloons and the other 2 empty.

First I told them to carry the balloons in their shovels from one bucket to another.  I was sure they would drop one of two…but no.  This was way too easy!



So I tried to set up a relay.  I had one get a balloon and transfer it to another shovel without touching it.  This was also pretty easy for them, but by this time they were just wanting to run the balloons back and forth.  Easy or not, I just let them do the balloon transfers as they wanted!

Baloo was very carefully putting the balloons in the buckets.

Logi-Bear had to get in on it!  He got a shovel and started attacking the balloons in the buckets.


We didn’t get very wet with this activity, but it involved a lot of concentration and running!

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