Kindergarten – G week!
We got back into our school schedule this week and we really jumped right in! There was some groaning on Monday but it was over quickly!
We started off the week using our lap desks but I guess I didn’t realize how fast Logi-Bear had gotten over the holidays. We had to take an early break to bring a table in!
Both boys were very excited to have the table!
Baloo worked on his You Can Read sheets. He is on unit 11 now and moving through it fairly quickly. His favorite is circling words he knows.
He wasn’t as enthusiastic at tracing words until I got the Caryola Dry Erase board out. He was very excited to use that and actually asked for more worksheets!
Here he was supposed to be thinking of G words. Royal had just glued a bunch of G words onto the easel so Baloo quietly went over and stole some ideas!
We’ve been neglecting our Math U See books for awhile, but they are back now! This week we have been working on place value. Baloo LOVES decimal street and plays with it every day.
We’re also working on learning the colors of the unit bars. I love how colorful they are!
Handwriting Without Tears is an odd success for us. Baloo happily races through the letters so he can do the last one and put a checkmark next to it. He loves to check boxes (funnily enough, I really enjoying checking boxes too…)
His verse of the week! We sand this one to the tune of the song “Come, Now is the Time to Worship”. He loves to sing his verses all week long and often goes back and sings some of the others!
The box that said ‘all’ was lost so I just had him write it in.
We had the pegs out this week and Baloo made a few different things – table, chairs, food. My favorite was the hang glider!
We had a great week getting back into the swing of things! We’re starting a money lapbook (at Baloo’s request!) and just having a lot of fun with it!
Do you like math u see? It looks very different. I’ve been trying to decide what methods I want to use with my daughters. What do you like/dislike about it?
I do like it! I don’t know if we’ve used it long enough to give a really thorough review, but my first thoughts are that it’s great for hands-on learners! I was really nervous about starting the place value lessons because they seemed so advanced, but Baloo picked it up quickly. Actually he was getting frustrated because I was going too slowly for him! Even without the manipulatives, he’s been reading larger numbers to me now.
It’s rather expensive though. We bought the manipulatives second-hand and even then spent $50 or so. The manipulatives are supposed to last throughout the entire program though, which I believe goes through calculus. The books are about $30 each.
I haven’t seen any other math related products so unfortunately I can’t compare it to anything for you. If you have the money to spend, I think it’s worthwhile!