Tot school – 9/26

Royal is 29 months


Getting into the swing of things with Baloo’s kindergarten has kind of helped our focus in tot school!  We did letter A for apple this week since Baloo was working on letter A in RRSK.  It’s just more convenient that way!

Letter A and Apple Theme

We used printables from 1+1+1=1 tot school printables for our A is for apple work.

He wasn’t too sure about coloring the apples the correct color so I helped a lot.

I tried to get him to connect the apples but in the end just let him do as he pleased!

He really wanted to stamp with Baloo so I gave him some fun shapes.  Then I realized that it would be a good time to practice with A and gave him the A stamp.

We read the book 10 Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss a few times this week.  I made apple shaped bean bags and tried to get Royal to balance a few on his head.

He liked putting the larger construction paper apple on his head though.

He also got to enjoy apple printing although when we were finished he really wanted to eat the apples.  It was all I could do to keep him from eating them!

Our color of the week was red.  A few days this week we wore red, and I tried to get Royal to color and paint with red.  This is our red sheet (which can be found here).  Royal loves gluing so these sheets are right up his alley!  We talked about what everything is and he put everything in pairs.  He said the flag was for lightning McQueen and the phone was for the firetruck.

Life Skills


The weather is really starting to cool down here so we spent a lot of time outside.  And I finally convinced Royal to try out our Boot Scoot bike!  It’s one of those bikes without pedals to learn to balance.  He is just now tall enough to ride it but he’s been too nervous to try before.

We also got out and blew bubbles!  Royal is getting the hang of it now although he kept putting the wrong end in the cup.

We had our tools out this week.  Royal had to get all dressed up to play with them.

He spent some time “fixing” Mater.

We got our playdough out (side note: don’t ever trust a 2 year old with play doh over carpet…even if you give them a plastic desk to work on!)

Royal made all kinds of things with the play dough!

He played with the bridge that Baloo made.  These blocks are trucks and they make some very interesting noises.


I had some bells in a bag that Royal found.  He wanted to play with them so I blew some air in the bag and sealed it so he could shake the bag and hear the bells.  He really enjoyed that!

That’s it for us this week! 

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