Tot School and PreK Roundup

Tot School - Royal BalooLogi-Bear is 21 months
Royal is 33 months

We’re starting to get back into the routine of school and involving Logi-Bear more often.  I try to get all the boys involved in as many activities together as possible, and it works out sometimes.

Here are some of our activities from this week:

We did some fine motor work with an empty parmesan cheese can and spaghetti noodles!  I set this up for Logi-Bear and then let him figure out the rest.
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

He loved putting the noodles into the little holes!
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

For Royal, to make it a bit more challenging, I gave him these thick straws.  He had to be more accurate when he tried to put them in.  He also loved this activity!
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo


I bought these plastic shot glasses at the grocery store.  My intention was to use them in sensory bins, but they are great for other things too!  Logi-Bear can grip them just right, so I know they are the perfect size.
This is how I set them up for him to play with one day.
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

He loved to stack them up over and over again!
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

When his interest peaked, I pulled out some cheerios.
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

We practice putting a few cheerios into each cup, and dumping them back and forth.  And then I lined them up 0-10 and put the coordinating amount of cheerios in each.  We counted each time I put cheerios in, and then counted all the cups a few times after we finished!  For some reason, he thought the counting was hilarious!
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

We did a LOT of pouring from one cup to another.
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

When Royal joined us, I made 2 sets of 1-4.  Then I had him count them and match them!
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

Here they are in order, after he matched them together!
Tot School Ideas - Royal BalooTot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

Both Logi-Bear and Royal seemed to enjoy the towers, so I showed them how to make a towel end to end.  Royal was pretty sure I couldn’t do it!  As I was going I kept asking him which color was next, red or blue?  He didn’t even know he was practicing patterning!
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

After my tower fell over we did more patterning “work”.  I set out the first 5 cups and had him continue the pattern after that.
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

I switched up the Parmesan container/pasta activity for Logi-Bear one day and gave him some mini penne pasta.  This seemed to work better for him since they don’t break as easily as spaghetti noodles!
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo

We’re started working on some preschool activities with Royal.  Right now we are working through the Animal ABCs from 1+1+1=1 as well as my own Terrific Truck ABCS (which are getting a bit of a makeover Smile).  We started with letter A is for Alligator and Ambulance.
Wouldn’t lucky have it that we had the opportunity to meet, touch, pet, and hold an alligator this weekend?  There were 2 alligators at this event – one was a 9 year old albino alligator named powder (pictured below).  She was very calm and tolerant, and at one point even started to fall asleep!  The other alligator was a small baby (1 year old!) and named Amos.  All of the boys had an opportunity to hold Amos!
Tot School Ideas - Royal Baloo


That was it for our week!  We had a lot of F-U-N and I actually can’t wait to do it again next week (which is not something I always say!!)

Make sure to check out the Tot School Gathering Place for more amazing tot school ideas!

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  1. Hi..I somehow found u on Pinterest and haven't been able to stop reading through your posts..I hv a 26 month old daughter I would be trying some of the activities from your blog:)

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