Sensory Play for Sick Kids – Sensory Play Party
Welcome to the Sensory Play Party! I’m joining Sarah from to bring you these great sensory play ideas!
Today I am sharing a way to integrate sensory play with sick kids.
We’ve had sickness in our house for at least 3 weeks now. It’s finally going on, but the past few weeks have been miserable. Which means we don’t get much schoolwork done, and fun stuff is often swept to the side.
A few months ago when we all had colds, I made this playdough and added Vicks Vaporub in it. I just used a normal playdough recipe, such as this recipe from Imagination Tree, and then I kneaded in just a bit of Vaporub. I found that it really doesn’t take much. The result was great. The playdough was stuff fun to play with, and the Vaporub really helped soothe our coughs.
I posted it to facebook and someone mentioned using essential oils instead. I think that would be fantastic even when you’re not sick! What a fun way to use essential oils.
This weeks features
There were so many fun ideas last week! I just love sensory play! Here are a few of my favorites
1. Pumpkin Washing from Where Imagination Grows – those pumpkins need to get washed! Why not let the kids do the task?
2. Personalized Sensory Jars from Sow Sprout Play – what kid wouldn’t love to see himself in a sensory jar?
3. Halloween Sensory Bin from 3 Dinosaurs – I love the stinkers in the bin. Adds a new dimension to sensory bins!
4. Eye-Ball Goo Bag from Suzy Homeschooler – the bag is really neat, but I especially love that it is hung up on a window. Adds some great light to the activity.
5. Scented Color Mixing from Craftulate – The baking soda and vinegar activities are always a hit. But added some scented Jell-O to the mix is brilliant!

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Little Bins for Little Hands"><img src="" alt="Little Bins for Little Hands" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
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Great idea to add the Vaporub to the play dough! I hope everyone is feeling better now!