LEGO Writing Prompt – Write a Mystery Minfig Story
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LEGO Writing Prompt – Write a Mystery Minfig Story

When it comes to LEGO in our house, it’s king. Although I’m not sure who enjoys LEGO more, myself or my kids. I love adding LEGO activities to learning. They’re so much fun and my kids are already engaged when LEGO is involved. If you’re looking for even more ways to add LEGO to your…

LEGO Snowflake

LEGO Snowflake

We’re using LEGO to learn more about snowflakes! Make some different snowflakes, learn about the life cycle of a snow, and pay with LEGO! What’s to lose? LEGO Snowflake We’ve likely all heard that no two snowflakes are the same. And that’s true but scientists have identified many different categories of snowflake. In fact, there…

Make a LEGO Turkey with Writing Extension
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Make a LEGO Turkey with Writing Extension

I love LEGO. And I especially love including LEGO into our regular homeschool lessons. I think there’s nothing quite like including a creative building toy to any other subject. This LEGO Turkey isn’t just fun. It’s also leading to even more educational activities! For more turkey fun, check out this How to Catch a Turkey…

Missing Addend Addition with LEGO
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Missing Addend Addition with LEGO

We hit a wall in math.  It happens – walls, I mean.  There are some subjects that you just hit a wall (mine was chemistry in school).  But what I’ve learned since becoming a homeschooler, is that there are ways around every wall.  Up, down, around, through – there are many many ways to break…

LEGO Pictograms – Beginning Graphs and Tables for Kids!
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LEGO Pictograms – Beginning Graphs and Tables for Kids!

We are color coding our LEGO bricks.  Not even kidding!  We have about a million sharp and pointy LEGO bricks all over the place.  Even the cats hate stepping on the…but they are getting organized and it is so awesome.  As a kid, we had a small box of LEGO bricks.  Each kid got to…

LEGO Counting On for Learning to Start Counting Anywhere
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LEGO Counting On for Learning to Start Counting Anywhere

‘Counting on’ is one of those skills that I didn’t understand needed to be taught until Baloo was probably 4 or something.  I guess I just hadn’t thought of it and assumed kids would just pick up on the pattern of numbers.  And some kids pick up on that really well!  In fact, I noticed…

LEGO Skip Counting to Avoid Confusion
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LEGO Skip Counting to Avoid Confusion

My kids have, historically, had the hardest time with skip counting.  I swear, they’ve all given me the same look when I try to explain skip counting.  Kind of like “This is so much harder than just counting by 1’s”.  That really skeptical look, ya know?. And I get it, they just learned to count…

LEGO Number Line Addition Practice
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LEGO Number Line Addition Practice

I’m always searching for ideas to get my kids interested in practicing math.  To be honest, 99% of the time that’s a computer game.  I’ll take what I can get though!  Since starting the LEGO math challenge, we are getting a lot more practice offline too.  Phew! So don’t miss the rest of our LEGO Math…

Comparing Numbers with LEGO – LEGO Math
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Comparing Numbers with LEGO – LEGO Math

Logi-Bear is so desperate to catch up to his brothers in school work that he is trying to sneak-learn multiplication.  I’m not even kidding.  He tries to eavesdrop on our multiplication lessons.  He insisted on playing the HoliMaths Multiplication game with us.  But he still needs the basics and I’m having to find ways to…

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LEGO Addition – Simple Dot Cards for Early Addition

Logi-Bear is just starting to get into addition so we’ve explored many different ways of demonstrating addition visually.  Math is such an abstract concept.  I believe to truly grasp math you have to understand what is happening first.  So we started with combining groups of objects (if I have 2 cars and you have 1…